Agbot - AgrismartLab

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About this video

This scenario allows the examiner to question the student about the characteristics of the vineyard and especially those of the robot.

Didactical Design Information

  • Exploring

Immersive dimension

  • VR Headset

Delivery Setting

Vivista Interactions

  General Information

Title of scenario Agbot - AgrismartLab
Discipline Agriculture, Robotics
Educational objectives The educational purpose of this video was to offer the student a new perspective thanks to the camera mounted right on the robot, inside a vineyard.
Target Group
  • Bachelor Students
Tags / keywords #precisionfarming, #agriculture, #robotic
  • No spoken language in the video

  Hardware/Software Information

Camera used GoPro 360
Editing Software GoPro, Adobe Premiere, Vivista
Vivista version 0.9.13

  Additional Information

  • Marco Vieri
  • Guido Cencini
Partner University University of Florence
City, Country Florence, Italy
Faculty / Department / Institute Department of Agricolture, Food, Environment and Forest Science & Technology / University of Florence
  • agricultural mechanics
Classroom size Large (51-100)


#precisionfarming #agriculture #robotic
