Behind the Scenes: Inside a Server Room

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About this video

Explore the environment of a server room. Find out how servers are mounted and maintained and what it means to work in such an environment. Look behind the scenes of the buzzword of "cloud computing".

Didactical Design Information

Immersive dimension

  • VR Headset
  • Flat Screen

Delivery Setting

Vivista Interactions

  General Information

Title of scenario Behind the Scenes: Inside a Server Room
Discipline Information Systems
Educational objectives Raise awareness for what the cloud actually is. Understand that in the end it consists of rack mounted computers in high security environment. Be aware of noise level and disturbances in such an environment. Bring to attention how technicians can maintain a rack mounted server in this environment.
Target Group
  • Experienced
  • Advanced
  • Expert
Tags / keywords information systems, cloud, server
  • German

  Hardware/Software Information

Camera used Insta360 ONE X
Editing Software Insta360 Studio, Adobe Premiere, Vivista
Vivista version 0.9.13

  Additional Information

  • Michael Feurstein
Partner University Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU)
City, Country Vienna, Austria
Faculty / Department / Institute Institute for Information Systems and New Media
Classroom size Medium (26-50)


information systems cloud server
